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Organization Profile

Incarnation Children's Center

Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) is a 21 bed skilled nursing facility. We house residents from birth to 21 years of age who are living with HIV and/or AIDS. Residents are referred to our facility through their medical clinics or other residential facilities. We are the only pediatric skilled nursing facility in New York that services those living with HIV/AIDS. All twenty one of the residents live at ICC. Some of our residents go out to school (via public transportation or NYC school buses); a few residents are home schooled; while some of our adult residents have graduated and have not yet found their vocational paths. As a volunteer, the Recreation Department would supervise you. Our department consists of 5 full-time staff and 1 part-time staff. At least one person from our department is on staff per day;

Children & Youth Education
People with Health-based Concerns
Catholic Charities of New York


Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York
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New York, NY 10022

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